Hiya! Hello to you! and a warm welcome to Crochet 24/7, thank-you for finding my website; and taking the time to visit me.
This site is for you if you love to crochet, whether you are a complete beginner, or a more advanced crocheter, if you have discovered one of my patterns that you would like to make, or you just want to hang out and read some of my blog articles – I am here for you, to help, to make new friends, and to share crochet stories and experiences.
Crochet 24/7 – Wouldn’t that be great if we could just eat, sleep, dream about crochet and yarn and the next item we are going to create! I asked my husband and twin girls to help me find a name for my site, and yes you can imagine some of the silly ones they came up with. Unless you are a crocheter and have caught the bug, its hard to understand the appeal of a ball of yarn, and a crochet hook isn’t it?
Crochet 24/7 was my favourite from one of my daughter’s suggestions and 24/7 definitely a good description when craft fairs and gift time are coming up, it describes perfectly my schedule, yours too?
I hope you find something fun to make or read here, and visit me again soon.
xx Sarah

Which way will you wear yours?

Lightweight and soft as a whisper summer poncho crochet pattern Ocean Kiss perfect for hazy summer evenings.